画像 品番 メーカー 説明 見る
LSH-2-01-B LSH-2-01-B Coto Technology SENSOR LIQ LEVEL HORIZ ABS 10W 詳細
1243.4000 1243.4000 Schurter Inc. SWITCH CLS16 WHT L2000MM CBL 2M 詳細
LLE102000 LLE102000 Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions SENSOR LIQUID LEV TYPE2 -25-80C 詳細
LRNH31S42 LRNH31S42 Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions LNR FLOAT SW HORIZONTAL NYLON 詳細
LLE101101 LLE101101 Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions SENSOR LIQUID LEV TYPE1 -40-125C 詳細
LLN865172-1 LLN865172-1 Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions SENSOR LIQ IND HIGH AIR -40-125C 詳細
LLE105100 LLE105100 Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions SENSOR LIQUID LEV TYPE5 -40-125C 詳細
LLE105000 LLE105000 Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions SENSOR LIQUID LEV TYPE5 -25-80C 詳細
LRNH31S41 LRNH31S41 Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions LNR FLOAT SW HORIZONTAL NYLON 詳細
LLE103101 LLE103101 Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions SENSOR LIQUID LEV TYPE3 -40-125C 詳細
LLE102101 LLE102101 Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions SENSOR LIQUID LEV TYPE2 -40-125C 詳細
LLE101000 LLE101000 Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions SENSOR LIQUID LEV TYPE1 -25-80C 詳細
LLE305000 LLE305000 Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions LLE LIQUID LEVEL SENSOR 詳細
LLN865172-2 LLN865172-2 Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions SENSOR LIQ IND LOW AIR -40-125C 詳細
POS187313 POS187313 Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions POS LIQUID LEVEL SENSOR 詳細
POS287413 POS287413 Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions POS LIQUID LEVEL SENSOR 詳細
POS187412 POS187412 Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions POS LIQUID LEVEL SENSOR 詳細
LRNV30N41 LRNV30N41 Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions LNR FLOAT SW VERTICAL NYLON 詳細
POS187311 POS187311 Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions POS LIQUID LEVEL SENSOR 詳細
POS287313 POS287313 Honeywell Sensing and Productivity Solutions POS LIQUID LEVEL SENSOR 詳細


Coto Technology